Saturday, November 28, 2009

last trip pics

Seperti yang udah gue janjiin, gue bakalan upload beberapa foto hasil 3 days trip gue kemaren ke Singapur. Now here they are, sisanya nyusul ya abis batre kamera gue abis gue males nge charge hehe:

Friday, November 27, 2009

comic of the week #1

So i was just strolling around tumblr when i found this:

the new version of Gadis Bertudung Merah

I don't know where the hell this image comes from. Contact me if you are the one who made it and i'm sure that i'll credit you

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

langit cantik

Langit Jakarta di depan rumah, Senin 23 November 2009, sekitar jam 15:30 WIB

Kemaren gue pas pulang sekolah, pas lagi di ojek, iseng ngedongakkin kepala ke atas. Dan gue agak-agak kaget juga pas ngeliat langitnya biru bersih dan awannya juga putih gitu. Cantik banget, lama nggak liat langit Jakarta kayak begini.

Terus besokannya pas lagi otw sekolah gue cerita sama supir gue. Terus berhubung langit Jakarta pagi ini juga bagus banget supir gue berhipotesis:

Hipotesis Om Udin:
Oh mungkin kan kemaren abis ujan deres tuh berhari-hari, jadi langit sama awannya kecuci, keperes, jadinya bersih gini deh sekarang.

Hmm mungkin juga kali ya. Terus pas gue nyampe rumah turun ojek, ada Nikita si kambing punya orang kampung atas yang gue ngaku-ngaku itu punya gue (abis lucu sih doi, entar gue bikin postingannya sendiri deh khusus buat bahas Nikita), gue samperin dia dulu ya manggil-manggil. Terus gue masuk rumah ambil kamera. Motret beberapa foto: foto langit, foto kambing: Nikita dan teman-temannya, terus gue naek ke lantai dua (belagak lantai dua padahal lantai 2 rumah gue tuh jemuran) motret genteng yang ada langitnya --> ini apa deh hahaha.

Tadi disekolah juga gue sempet moto beberapa foto langit lagi. Uploadnya soon ya hehe.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

7 alasan orang pergi kondangan

So, here is the thing. Belakangan ini nyokap gue rajin banget ngajakin orang kondangan, dan yang makes me wondering why adalah, tahun 2009 ini kayaknya banyak banget orang nikah. Yah selama catering nya enak dan yang dateng bening-bening sih ya nggak apa-apa hahaha.

Berkat pengalaman sering kondangan, gue akhirnya membuat semacam riset kecil mengenai alasan orang-orang pergi kondangan, dan dari sini terkumpul sebanyak 7 alasan. Oh iya, ini riset asli bikinan gue sendiri, gue ga asal copy paste dari web lain, dan kalo lo ngeliat topik ini ada di web lain, itu cuma ada twitter gue, which is udah pernah gue tweet topik ini sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu.

So, here it goes!!! gue tulis persis berdasarkan apa yang udah gue tweet di twitter gue:

1. Pure silaturahmi
2. Pengen 'nabung' supaya yang dateng ke kondangan anaknya entar juga banyak
3. Food hunter. Selesai salaman mata langsung jelalatan muterin seisi tempat nyobain semua makanan enak. #pengakuan gue termasuk yang ini
4. Pengen pamer. Entah pengen pamer baju, perhiasan. Pokoknya tipe yang ini kl kondangan bajunya harus selalu wah biar keliatan menonjol hahaha
5. Pengen dianggep eksis dengan mengikuti sebanyak mungkin event sosial yang ada. Wow hahaha
6. Emang hobinya kondangan. Tiap minggu ada aja kondangan yg didatengin. No offense tapi gue kenal sama yang orangnya loh maaf ya tante ;)
7. Match finder. Biasanya ditengah kondangan suka ada yang lirik-lirikan mata gitu deh.......

Jadi gimana? Lo termasuk ke bagian yang mana? Kalo gue sih yang nomer 3 ;)

wishing list #2: fine rocking records

Okay, so i got two cool records on my stereo, which are The Subways's All Or Nothing and Muse's The Resistance. But I still wanting more cool stuffs to be played on my stereo. Like............

well you see the title on it, it's 30 Seconds To Mars's This Is War

The Temper Trap's Conditions

Yeah Yeah Yeah's It's Blitz!

and Electrico's We Satellites

what did i do recently....

What did i do recently in these past five months?

- Well, i went to school as usual, got my report card yesterday which the result wasn't too bad yay

- I started to take a course at EF again, i passed the test and i was accepted at Real English level 5, my teacher was Dale Crowe (oh well, he's American, so i think he has nothing to do with Russel Crowe). And then i passed both of the progress tests of RE level 5 so now i'm at the level 6, but the teacher is yet, still, Dale.

- I went to Singapore about two weeks ago, for three-days holiday with my mum. I also brought my 3 Mega Pixels Olympus type Mju whatever, which is lame knowing that most of my fellows back at school have already had that uber cool DSLRs. But the holiday itself was cool. I bought myself THE SUBWAYS's ALL OR NOTHING DOUBLE CDs which i've been craving over these past few months, and some present for my dearest friend for her sweet seventeen birthday (sssh dont tell anyone, or i'll choke your throats!!). And plus, I bought a Panic At The Disco tee. It's blue, with a picture of Medusa on it.

- I also have just FINALLY bought Muse's The Resistance CD! OH-MY-GOD. I've been looking for it like about, hmm, 2 months since September.

For those of you who might be curious of what the two albums look like, here are the pics:

- I made two tumblr accounts. Yeah, frankly, tumblr was the reason why i left blogspot for a while ;) no offense, baby.

Oh and, like i said, two tumblr accounts. First, for my personal tumblog, and the second is just for fun, for you guys, for the entire world. The second one is all about gigs. I love gigs. I love to see the expressions of the musicians when they're having a gig.

personal tumblog:

a tumblog about gigs for you, for the whole world, who love gigs:

oh, even though on the pic it says '2 months ago' above the very first pic, don't worry, i try my best to update this tumblog as often as i can :)

- i cut my bangs properly. For the very first time ever in my entire life, for heaven's sake, i cut them RIGHT!

well i guess enough from me. stay tune for more updates ;)

11/21/2009 afternoon

hello lads and ladies it's nice to be back blogging again! :)